Spreadsheet tasks
Skills covered:
- Create a structure and layout within a spreadsheet application
- Enter a list of prices into a spreadsheet
- Write simple formula with a single operator
- Write a SUM function using a cell range
- Format data to currency
- Use appropriate number of decimal places
- Write a formula to calculate a percentage
- Ensure work fits on one A4 sheet
- Set gridlines to show on printing
- Set row and column headers to show on printing
- Show formulas
(subscription only) |

Task (2007)

Task (2003)
Skills covered:
- Write a SUM formula
- Write a formula to calculate percentages
- Format cells as a percentage
- Format cells to 1 decimal place
- Write and use an absolute cell reference
- Replicate formulae
- Write a formula to calculate the differences between to different percentages
- Ensure work fits on one A4 sheet
- Add name to footer
- Set gridlines to show on printing
- Set row and column headers to show on printing
- Show formulas
(subscription only) |


car sales.xls

car sales answers.xls
Groovy Music
Skills covered:
- merge cells
- wrap text
- align titles
- basic formulae
- basic functions
- formatting cells
- borders
- gridlines
- sort data
- auto filter
- footers
- hiding cells
- freeze pane
- print area
- show formulas
- IF formula
- charts
- absolute cell reference
A comprehensive task which teaches students how to set up different types of validation in spreadsheets.
(subscription only) |


Spreadsheet test
A test which should take most of an ICT lesson.
A good way to check the level of your students' skills
test instructions
test marksheet

completed spreadsheet
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