Word 2007: Formatting
The ticks indicate the suitability of resources for each Key Stage.
Resource |
KS3 |
KS4 |
KS5 |
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- left, centre, right justification
- font style, font size
- find, replace
- undo, redo
(subscription only)


London text for task |
- basic title formatting
- using the spell check tool
- adding words to the dictionary
- paragraph spacing
- paragraph and formatting marks
- format painter
- automatic hyphenation
- page numbers
- inserting the date and time
- saving as a different version
- page breaks
- bullet points
- borders
- header and footer
- changing margins
- inserting symbols


Colliery Text
- basic formatting
- Spell check
- Change case
- Drop cap
- Paragraph marks
- Delete text
- Bullet points
- Page break
- Header
- Page numbers
- Find and replace
- Cut and paste text
- Paragraph line spacing
- Format paint tool
- Insert clipart image
- Insert a table
- Format a table
- Sort data in a table
- Columns
- Word count
- Default file location
- Insert a chart


Water text for task
- basic formatting
- find and replace tool
- footer
- drop cap
- insert and resize clipart
- automatic hyphenation
- watermark
- coloured background
- paragraph line spacing
- thesaurus
- word count


Bear text for task
- switch between open documents
- select tool
- using page views
- page break
- formatting marks
- default file location
- user information
- heading style
- text style
- help
- overtype
- bullet points
- indent
- insert and delete image
- resize image
- print preview
- page orientation
- paper size
- margins
- print options
- subscript
- superscript


Phone text
This task provides students with the opportunity to practice setting tabs. You will need to demonstrate to them initially how to do this.
The task instructions should be printed out for students to work from. The 'tabs' task should be downloaded by them so that they can correct it.


Tabs data
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