2. Reasons why data and files are lost
If you were asked to take a guess on the most likely cause of data loss, you would probably say, 'hacking' or 'theft of equipment'.
You would be wrong.
The single biggest cause of loss or damage to data is from people such as the employees in a company or users such as yourself.
A vast amount of valuable data is lost due to sheer carelessness.
- not saving work as it is being created and then the software crashes or the machine shuts down. Hands up - how many of you are guilty of this?
- saving over a file by accident. Another daft thing of which we are all guilty of.
- Deleting a file by accident - woops!
- not saving files with sensible file names, and no matter how hard you try, you can't find them again when you need them.
Challenge see if you can find out one extra fact on this topic that we haven't already told you
Click on this link: Data Loss
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