8. Ergonomics
This is the science concerned with designing safe and comfortable machines for use by people.
This includes furniture design and the design of peripherals that you need to use, such as mouse and keyboard.
Have a look at these top tips to ensure that you work safely and comfortably:
1. The right lighting can reduce eyestrain, neck strain and headaches. Sunlight is the best light, but make sure it doesn't create glare on your computer screen.
2. The proper desk will let you find the perfect working position. It should be deep enough to support your arms when you work at the computer.
3. Place your computer screen at eye-level or just below. For optimal comfort, set it about 45 cm (18 in.) from your face.
4. Sit up straight in your chair. Keep your feet flat on the floor and your knees slightly lower than your thighs.
5. Choose an office task chair that lets you tilt forward to reach objects in front of you and backward to stretch your arms when you're tired.
6. When you type, hold your fingers, wrists and lower arms in a straight line from your keyboard.
7. Keep equipment that you use a lot, like your telephone and computer keyboard, within a distance of about 75 cm (30 in.) when you're sitting at your desk. Keep other storage and equipment farther away. This encourages you to change working positions during the day.
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Click on this link: Computer Ergonomics
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