Compare and contrast
Students are given two images and asked to consider the differences and similarities between them
(subscription only) |
Acting up
A fun starter activity.
Students are given a character card. They then have to explain a term related to this topic whilst staying in character.
(subscription only) |


Word Chain
Starting with the shaded letter,students find the adjacent letters which spell out a word related to this topic. Letters can go horizontally, vertically and diagonally in any direction.
Two differentiated versions of the task are supplied
(subscription only)

task v1

task v2

Odd One Out
Students are shown a number of key terms. They have to decide which of the terms is the ‘odd one out’ and give a reason for their choice
(subscription only)

10 Seconds
Students are shown a term or given a scenario and they have exactly 10 seconds to come up with 5 different, suitable answers.
(subscription only)

10 Questions
A volunteer (either a student or class teacher) is given a slip of paper so they know 'what they are'.
The rest of the class can ask up to a maximum of 10 questions to guess what they are. The volunteer can only answer 'yes' or 'no'
(subscription only) |


Word Tennis
Students work in groups of three with two 'serving' words related to the topic. The observer monitors for words which are 'out'
(subscription only) |

Sorting cards
A great kinaesthetic activity for using as a starter activity. Print out a set of the terms and ask for volunteers to stand at the front holding a term each.
Ask the class to answer a set of questions by directing the volunteers into groups. |
Memorise This!
Students work in pairs or small groups to remember words which have been shown to them.
(subscription only)

30 Seconds
Students are shown a number of terms for exactly 30 seconds. They need to memorise as many as possible. After 30 seconds, the terms are hidden and they need to write down as many terms as they can remember along with at least one fact about that term.
(subscription only)

Students are given a blank scrabble type sheet and take it in turns to write down key words related to this topic
(subscription only) |

Teach me about ...
Lesson starter
Students become the teacher! One student is tasked with preparing a five minute revision starter about this topic for the beginning of the following lesson.
(subscription only) |
When I went on holiday
A starter task
Based on the old childhood game of ‘when I went on holiday I took a ...’
(subscription only) |
Draw me a picture
Starter or plenary
Students are given a selection of key terms and are asked to illustrate one of them in a diagram.
(subscription only) |
Teacher Talkabout
The class 'test' the teacher on their knowledge of key words related to this topic
(subscription only) |

Give me ten
A starter or plenary task
Students work in pairs to come up with ten words related to this project before joining up with another pair to expand their list.
(subscription only) |
Just a minute
Starter or plenary task
Students are asked to talk to a partner about this topic for 60 seconds whilst abiding by a set of rules
(subscription only) |

Lucky Dip Questions
Every student is given a number at the start of the activity. This is used to help pick who will ask and answer questions about what has been learned during the lesson.
(subscription only) |

Pass the Buck
An excellent starter or plenary for involving all students and getting them to identify a large number of facts about the current topic
(subscription only) |

One, Two, Three
Can be used either as a starter or a plenary task.
Students are given a sheet to complete firstly on their own, then with a partner and then joining up with another pair
(subscription only) |

Word Association
A starter or plenary task.
Students are asked to write down all of the words they associate with this topic. They then work with a partner to categorise them.
(subscription only) |

Call my bluff
A plenary activity based on the popular game show, ‘Call My Bluff’
(subscription only) |

A plenary activity which is loosely based on the game show 'Mastermind'
(subscription only) |

A plenary activity.
This task follows the traditional Taboo game. Students work in teams with one student from each team having their back to the board. A word is displayed on the board and teams take it in turns to describe the word to the student without actually mentioning the word itself.
(subscription only) |

Word building game
Plenary task
Students work in groups to construct a sentence about today’s lesson
(subscription only) |

A plenary activity where students are asked to summarise the lesson and pick out the main key words related to the topic.
(subscription only) |

A great plenary idea both for AFL and for getting feedback from every student
(subscription only) |

I predict
This task acts as the plenary from one lesson and the starter for the next lesson
(subscription only) |

Lesson summary
This plenary provides students with an opportunity to evaluate the lesson and their learning and an AFL opportunity for the teacher.
(subscription only) |

A plenary activity.
Students are asked to complete a self assessment sheet to indicate what they have learned during this lesson
(subscription only) |

Text me
A plenary activity where students are asked to write a text message to explain what they have learned during the lesson
(subscription only) |

Tweet it
A plenary activity
Students write a ‘Tweet’ message to sum up what they have learned during the lesson
(subscription only) |

Theory Notes Task
Students read the theory notes on the mini website and then answer the questions on the task sheet.
( subscription only) |
Noughts and Crosses
Students work in pairs to take turns at answering questions. If they get the answer correct, they take a turn on the noughts and crosses grid.
Full instructions are given in the task sheet. Requires preparation prior to the lesson
(subscription only)


Exam question - what is wrong?
Students are given a genuine answer written by another student in response to an exam style question. They have to be able to determine what is wrong with the answer and then write a better one themselves.
( subscription only) |
Crossword - differentiated
Students are given a crossword to solve with clues relating to key words for this topic.
There are three differentiated versions to allow students to choose the best level of difficulty for themselves.
(subscription only)

version 1

version 2

version 3

answers |
Crossword Clues
Students are given a completed crossword and asked to write the clues.
(subscription only) |

task |
Identify the input, output and storage device task
Students are given a list of input, output and storage devices and asked to correctly identify which category each device belongs to.
(subscription only)


Identify the input and output device task
This task asks students to look at the names of a number of different devices and drag them under the correct headings of input or output
(subscription only)

Mind Map
Students are given the basic structure of a mind map for this topic. They are asked to complete the mind map by adding extra branches.
Mind maps are a useful tool to use as a revision aid.
( subscription only) |
Students often find it hard to remember long lists of items. A mnemonic is a rhyme or acronym that they can create to help them recall such a list.
(subscription only)

Key Terms Task
Students are asked to provide a definition and example for key terms related to this topic
(subscription only) |
Pros and cons
Students are given a document to complete where they identify the pros and cons for the main factors related to this topic.
(subscription only) |
This crossword is a useful task for checking students' understanding.
It could be used as a task within the lesson or as a starter/plenary

answers |
This worksheet provides students with a set of questions about input
devices. They need to use the website to help them find the right
This worksheet was designed by Brian Thomas from Bewdley High School.
It could be used either as a task sheet with the mini websiste above
or with the mindmaps below.
This worksheet focuses on manual input devices.
This is primarily about Direct Data Entry or Automatic input devices.
This is primarily about Direct Data Entry or Automatic input devices.
100 words
Students have exactly 100 words to summarise the key points about this topic
(subscription only) |
Agony aunt
Students are put into the role of an agony aunt who has to answer a set of letters about technology related problems.
(subscription only) |
This task sheet asks students to create a presentation or document covering the main input devices. It asks students to think about the price of the device, the speed of data retrieval and the quality - aspects which are often overlooked by students
Kindly contributed by Ciara McLoughlin |