3. Process
Process means that the computer is doing some work by using input data.
When you use the keyboard to enter some text, the computer recognises each key you press.
If you type a letter such as 'A', the computer can only deal with binary numbers 1 and 0 so it has to process the pressed key ('A') that you input and change it into a binary number.
When you move your mouse around the screen or click on something.
The mouse is sending a constant stream of data into the computer as you move it about or click on its buttons
Your mouse sends input data to the computer and it has to process that data so the cursor matches the moves you are making or responds correctly to any click you make.
When you open a document that you have saved - perhaps some homework.
The computer reads the information from the file (input data) and then processes it before it can display it back to you via the screen.
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