Task 2
You need to design a survey to find out what the general public think about your topic.
You will need to ask two different groups of people in order to see whether age affects peoples’ opinions. Younger people might be very against something whereas older people might have a different perspective and think that it is acceptable.
You need to think about the types of questions that you are going to ask people. What are the things that you really need to know?
Some way to know their age range might be a good idea.
You need to ask clear questions so that you get answers you can use.
You are going to graph your results, so your answers need to be easy to count.
It might be a good idea to get some quotes from people so that you can use these later on.
You now need to design your survey on the computer – try to fit at least two – four copies to a page so that you can reduce printing.
You need to ask between 10 -20 people from each group (adults and students) so that you get enough results to work with later on.
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